Sailing is something that aspires us, gets us together with people who have this „need“ to enjoy life fully and at its best.

As a journalist coming from a corporation office in Belgrade, Serbia, I transformed into a copywriter and a tour guide here in Montenegro, and I must admit – being in tourism business was my liberation from suit&tie regime;

Finally, being among real people, contributing to their happiness and experiences every day, having an impact on their understanding this beautiful country – was just like feeling alive again, feeling connected, expressed, real.

After seven years of working for by far the best travel agency here in Kotor „360 Monte“, being part of it from its foundation to what is it now – I felt that the time came for me to start my own story.

And I wanted something different, yet not too far from tourism.

No crowds.

More freedom.


I am proud to present to you a journey for all the travellers who don’t want to escape from their life – but to return to themselves.

So, tell me…

How do you feel about an experience that gives you freedom?

Time to embrace your better self.


Now you can sail Montenegro.

J. J.